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Customer testimonial | 17/01/2023

“Lefac is used to keep an eye on our list of prospects and adapt their contact details if needed when we have an event to organize. We also extract quite a few contact lists if we want to expand our list of prospects or if we want to target a different style of guest at an event.”

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Customer testimonial | 06/12/2022

ZICH ABONNEREN OP DE NEWSLETTERS Linkedin DEMO AANVRAGEN Customer testimonial | 06/12/2022 Tom Van Hoof from Mediabrands Tom VAN HOOF | Mediabrands What is your function/role within Mediabrands ? For 4 years I have been Chief Growth Officer of Mediabrands. Before, I held the position of Managing Director of one…

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Customer testimonial | 04/10/2022

ZICH ABONNEREN OP DE NEWSLETTERS Linkedin DEMO AANVRAGEN Customer testimonial | 09/11/2022 Ronald Boeckx from Gicom Ronald BOECKX | Gicom What is your function/role within Gicom ? I am the CEO of Gicom since 2018. Can you summarize Gicom’s business ? With Gicom you get specialists in content marketing strategy.…

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Customer testimonial | 09/11/2022

ZICH ABONNEREN OP DE NEWSLETTERS Linkedin DEMO AANVRAGEN Customer testimonial | 04/10/2022 Guillaume Durand from Shopmium Guillaume DURAND | Shopmium What is your function/role within Shopmium ? I am Guillaume DURAND, Director of Shopmium Belgium and France, an application that modernizes the concept of discount coupons on mobiles. I manage…

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Mikael Bes, Co founder & CEO – DooH it

“The direct impact is significant time savings since, before using andzup, our teams had to qualify contacts using tools like LinkedIn.
We are also more effective in our sales approach thanks to the business information associated with the contacts, enabling us to save time for both ourselves and the prospects. We address the right offer to the right person.”

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