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Customer testimonial | 17/01/2023

“Lefac is used to keep an eye on our list of prospects and adapt their contact details if needed when we have an event to organize. We also extract quite a few contact lists if we want to expand our list of prospects or if we want to target a different style of guest at an event.”

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Customer testimonial | 06/12/2022

More than ever it is important to know the organizational structure of our customers and prospects. To offer added value, you have to understand the vision of internationalization versus outsourcing, the seniority of the teams, the challenges. Only the service provider who manages to organize itself agilely according to its (future) client will succeed in building a long-term business relationship. People matching is key in this approach.

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Customer testimonial | 04/10/2022

With Gicom you get specialists in content marketing strategy. We give benchmarks, qualitative and quantitative audits, consumer journeys etc. as well as content business modelling directly linked to a fully operational content strategy.

With nearly 40 years of experience in content production, we create dedicated teams for each client (newsroom), offer highly effective production tools, define editorial guidelines and tone of voice hand in hand with ours clients.

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Customer testimonial | 09/11/2022

Lefac.com is a reference in B2B databases in Europe. The quality and updating of the data is recognized and particularly appreciated in the digital sector. I have always had the opportunity to benefit from Lefac.com’s services during my previous experiences and it is quite natural that I wanted to continue with Shopmium in order to make my teams benefit from them.

The objective is to save time for our teams in charge of customer relations with consumer advertisers and media agencies. Via Lefac.com, Shopmium Account Managers can focus on the essentials of helping our partners to communicate effectively with consumers to generate sales and gain insights into Belgian buying behavior, rather than spending time chasing contacts or conducting tedious research.

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Mikael Bes, Co founder & CEO – DooH it

“The direct impact is significant time savings since, before using andzup, our teams had to qualify contacts using tools like LinkedIn.
We are also more effective in our sales approach thanks to the business information associated with the contacts, enabling us to save time for both ourselves and the prospects. We address the right offer to the right person.”

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