
Customer testimonial | 17/01/2023

Chloé Le Garrec from Serviceplan Group 

Chloé LE GARREC - ServicePlan Group

What is your function/role within Serviceplan?

I am Marketing Manager. I manage the events and external communications.

Can you summarize Serviceplan’s activity?

We are a communication/marketing agency that creates 360 degree campaigns for our clients thanks to the concept of our ‘House of Communication’ which brings together different expertises under the same roof (Serviceplan, Plan.Net, Mediaplus/Creative-Strat, Digital and Tech, Media and Programmatic).

What made you choose

It was the tool we were already using in the company.

How do you use in your company and which department’s need does it meet?

Lefac is used to keep an eye on our list of prospects and adapt their contact details if needed when we have an event to organize. We also extract quite a few contact lists if we want to expand our list of prospects or if we want to target a different style of guest at an event.

What is the feature you use most often?

The search bar most of the time, to check the contact details of a particular person.

What is the direct impact of using by you and your teams?

It makes our lives a lot easier when we want to organise an event, because in just a few clicks we have a virtually operational contact list.

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