
Customer testimonial | 09/11/2022

Ronald Boeckx from Gicom

Ronald BOECKX | Gicom

What is your function/role within Gicom ?

I am the CEO of Gicom since 2018.

Can you summarize Gicom’s business ?

With Gicom you get specialists in content marketing strategy. We give benchmarks, qualitative and quantitative audits, consumer journeys etc. as well as content business modelling directly linked to a fully operational content strategy.

With nearly 40 years of experience in content production, we create dedicated teams for each client (newsroom), offer highly effective production tools, define editorial guidelines and tone of voice hand in hand with ours clients.

What helped your choice to use ?

We use it mainly in prospecting within the marketing department.

What is the feature you use most often ?

It is therefore the search for people and their contact details.

What is the direct impact of the use of by you and your teams ?

We see the impact of using it in prospecting, which is very effective when combined with other sources like LinkedIn.

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