Free Hand | May 2024


Multilingualism: From all-human to all-AI, which way to turn?

The boom in AI services since 2023 is unsettling contractors and translation specialists alike.
Who or what to believe? How do we distinguish between the conflicting demands being made on us?
We approach things as language specialists and help our clients to see things clearly: apart from the specific characteristics of each language, what are the purposes of the content to be translated? How long will it be used for?
Are there any style guides or glossaries that must be followed?
Is there a high volume of content to be translated in a very short space of time? Are there regulatory constraints?
The list goes on. Only an accurate assessment will enable you to opt for the ‘enhanced’ process with the best cost/quality/time ratio. 
Compromises have to be made. You have to remain open-minded and draw up a series of tests so that you can come to a conclusion and move forward with complete peace of mind.
In any case, this is what we believe at


Are you tempted by the andzup experience?

Our sales representatives are available to present the andzup solution to you in a few minutes. 

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