Free Hand | July, 2023

Clara MATHEY –  Head of Marketing & Communications France – DEFI Group

Clara Mathey - DEFI Group

Outdoor Advertising in the Hyper-Digital Era

We live in a hyper-digital and hyper-connected world. In 2022, French people spent an average of 2h18 on the internet, with 75% of that time on smartphones. Brands are taking advantage of this opportunity through online advertising.

This strategy can be profitable but can also raise concerns due to audience oversaturation. Users tend to avoid advertisements, especially with Adblock. Outdoor advertising, in particular spectacular displays, offers unique advantages: proximity, no blocking option, high-traffic visibility, and strong impact through extra-large formats.

At DEFI, we consider communication to be spectacular, impactful, and complementary to other media for an optimized campaign. Ultimately, OOH advertising provides a long-term daily presence and an ultra-competitive CPM in a low-saturation environment.

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