Free Hand | December 2023

Product Catalog Management: Towards a More Integrated, Multimedia, and AI-First Product Experience


If you are a Product Manager or involved in e-commerce, then creating engaging, content-rich, comprehensive, and consistent product experiences across different touch-points is undoubtedly one of your goals.

This experience does not end with your online showcase; there is an entire process of product and content creation to address before the final sales step. This includes managing shooting processes, correctly collecting and aggregating information and data on product sheets, multimedia enrichment, translations, adapting data according to destinations, approval/organization flows, and finally, catalog publication.

When companies rely on different applications for each of these phases, the risk is greater fragmentation of processes, leading to misalignment of brand and product content across channels, and the need for functional integration between systems.

Therefore, an effective product catalog management strategy starts from the need to keep all sources and workflows leading to the finalization of product catalogs synchronized in a single centralized environment. This means automatic updating for multi-channel publication, ensuring consistent information and efficiency in processes.

Having a modern Product Experience Management platform means having a system of connectors for transforming incoming and outgoing data, a unified dashboard to maintain control of catalog completion, and a simple and intuitive User Interface (UI).

Moreover, the introduction of generative AI technologies and NLP interfaces now allows for the partial or complete automation of back-end processes, significantly improving operational efficiency and content quality.

This rapidly growing revolution is at the center of attention for Marketers and Retailers, with surprising innovative potential.

For example, think of the ability to automatically classify products simply based on a free-text marketing description or the interpretation of an image, or the possibility of using advanced tools for automatic translation, generating promotional videos/images and marketing, automatic creation of social posts, or generating up-selling and cross-selling relationships, conversational and image search systems, etc.

Fashion industry companies are at the forefront in exploring the opportunities AI offers to stay competitive, improve the experience, and optimize product catalog management.

Artificial Intelligence can be used to automatically classify products into specific categories and subcategories. Machine learning algorithms can analyze images, descriptions, and other information to automatically assign tags and categories to products.

The generative capacity of AI can be exploited to automatically create more accurate product descriptions, multimedia content such as images and videos for advertising and social media, or even develop writing styles consistent with the brand.

Furthermore, by analyzing data from touch-points, AI can help identify the latest fashion trends and adapt the catalog accordingly, or suggest product correlations, etc.

The imperative, therefore, is to equip oneself with future-proof platforms, open to integration with customized or third-party artificial intelligence solutions, bringing increased speed, reduced operational costs, and deep and powerful processing of product data to processes from production to sales, for the benefit of the market and consumers.



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